• Services

The Importance of Being Revised

Apr - 2022 | Written by Sarah Horne

Whilst we are Oscar Wilde fans, in this instance we are talking about the revision of translations. What is it exactly and why do it?

This blog article discusses the different kinds of revision The Word Hub offers and the importance of revising your translations.

What is revision?

According to the ISO 17100:2015 Translation Standard, revision involves the “bilingual examination of target language content against source language content for its suitability for the agreed purpose.”

In other words, a translation is carefully examined in terms of linguistic accuracy and parity with the original text’s meaning and style.

As an ISO-certified company, we comply with the requirement for revision by offering it as a standard service for content which would benefit from it, and where time and budget allow for such a service.

What kinds of revision does The Word Hub offer?

Second independent revision

All of our translations are completed by professional, experienced linguists who translate, edit and proofread their own work, with the support of our language graduate project managers.

During second independent revision, we involve a second linguist who takes a thorough look at the original linguist’s translation, comparing the source language to the target language.

They revise the translated text as necessary in order to ensure that it reflects the meaning of the source text, as well as being syntactically accurate, grammatically correct, and stylistically and terminologically appropriate for the domain concerned.

This service level ensures compliance with the requirements of the ISO 17100:2015 Translation Standard.

XLIFF revision

This revision service involves your input!

As with second independent revision, a single linguist will translate, edit and proofread their own work, with the support of our language graduate project managers.

However, instead of involving a second linguist, the completed translation is prepared in a simple bilingual format ready for your in-country representatives or in-house native speakers to revise.

This gives you the opportunity to tweak the translation to your company’s own brand and message. After all, no-one knows your brand and market as well as you do.

A final check is then performed by the original linguist.

Monolingual review

Our monolingual review service involves the same level of checking as second independent revision; however, the text being reviewed is stand-alone. This means there is no source (or “original”) text to compare it against.

Whilst the text is checked in isolation, the outcome is the same: content that is grammatically, syntactically and stylistically accurate, as well as being fit for purpose.

What kinds of text are best suited to revision and why revise your translations?

In short, we can revise any kind of content you have!

In particular, we strongly recommend opting for one of these revision services when it comes to high-profile content, such as marketing copy and website content. Safety critical content such as decals and user interface content is also suggested for revision.

Whilst lower-profile content can benefit from revision, it makes particular sense to revise translations for content that will reach more people, that reflect your company’s brand, or that is central to safety and risk management.

To put it simply, revising a translation gives you an extra level of confidence in its suitability for purpose.

Having a second pair of eyes to look over the translation, be it one of our linguists, or one of your native staff members or in-country representatives, is like having your house valued by two estate agents. You’re not questioning the expertise and skill of the first agent, but you feel more assured by having the value confirmed by a second one.

Should you have any questions about revision, take a look at our revision webpage. Alternatively, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

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